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Binary: Nightfall's SHODAN Collection
Creator: LGS / Luis Rojo / Digital Nightfall
Details: This collection contains two sets of images. The first are the images of SHODAN from System Shock 1 & System Shock 2 combined in various ways, and the second is the SS2 SHODAN combined with a face painted by Luis Rojo. There are seven images in all, take a look, and tell me your favorite!
Archived at: SS2:/ MM-DB, sub-folder - Themes

SHODAN Invades Finland!
- 02:10pm EST - James
Monday - 8.30.1999 - Digital`Nightfall's Birthday!
My little sister drew me a picture for my birthday, and I was so proud that I just had to show it off to everyone.... :)
She is so excited about System Shock 2, and loves watching my brother play it, (not me, I play at night with the lights off.. :). Maybe someday she'll play it too, when she's old enough.... :)
Here's the picture! - Happy Birthday, Hacker!

Intrusion site: Adrenaline Vault. Detected By: Own Sensor Systems Threat category: Review of System Shock 2. Threat analysis: Chris Harding begins was a great story about his depth of immersion into Shock 1. Despite gripes about the game being tough, weapon degradation, lack of multiplayer, and thinking the interface will be intimidating to action gamers, he concludes, "It's a masterpiece of storytelling that is so compelling, you'll want to play it non-stop until you finish it. Irrational Games, Looking Glass Studios and EA are to be congratulated for doing what I thought impossible -- giving us a worthy sequel to the greatest game I have ever played. Is it better than the original you ask? No-- but it's certainly not any worse." He assigns it a 5/5 overall, and claims he'd give the sound an 8/5 if he could. A final quote: "If playing games is more of a religion than a hobby to you, meet your new bible. And on that same point, if you weren't a religious person before you started playing, you will be once you're done." Recommended Countermeasure: Target is friendly but shows dangerous signs of "independent thinking".
Scanning for new targets....

Have You Been Spoiled Today?
- 05:25pm EST - James
System Shock 1 is in Singapore!
- 05:10pm EST - Digital
Shock fans in south-east Asia asia may be happy to grab this bit of info:
Just want to share it with people around South East Asia. Shock2 original is in Singapore. I found my copy in Challenger for $54.90. Also, there are many, many boxes of Shock1 CD Enhanced version in the bargain bin. Selling for $17.00. These Shock1 CDs have EA Australia stickers on them. Weird.
Good luck getting your copy of Shock 1 if you are in the area! Thanks for the word, Fongyee.

Binary: ICQ Theme
Creator: dabblerBLUE / Matt Zulawski
Details: Here is a is an ICQ Plus Theme and a slimed down version of the ICQ Sound Scheme posted several days ago.
Archived at: SS2:/ MM-DB, sub-folder - Themes

Another Snippet of Pointless Editorial
- 10:40pm EST - James
I suspect most of you have read some of the reviews of Shock 2 that I've been listing out here. I've read them all - and let me assure you, there are times when they threaten to become one grey blur. [How many times can you read a description of the character system before your eyes glaze over? 8) ] What has struck me, after reading many of them, is how different reviewers approach the game and what differences this causes in their reviews. Everybody loves the plot; everybody loves the atmosphere; everybody loves the logs and ghosts; and everybody loves the sound. Action-game oriented reviwers tend not to like the ease with which weapons break - but this is never hinted at by the RPG reviwers, who instead tend to mention how difficult the combat is. Action gamers seem more aware that the models are not up to Quake III standards (one clueless reviewer praised the sound and then, discussing graphics, asked why Irrational hadn't tried to build the game off the Quake II engine.) RPG gamers are more interested in the balance of the various character classes and how that system plays out. Looking at all these reviews, I find myself wondering why mixed-genre games sometimes fail.
Let's look elsewhere briefly. Realms of the Haunting, an action/RPG, was a flop. It has a nifty plot, great atmosphere, loads of background info, and some of the best use of FMV I've ever seen. But the control interface is not only godawful - it cannot be reconfigured. Elements of the later section of the game seemed thrown together (the Brain Maze is utterly extraneous). I'd rate Realms as a great game - the good bits make up for the bad - but I understand it was a commercial disaster. Moving back to Shock, though, it is interesting that the design team have consistently identified the interface of Shock 1 as a major failing, which they set out to remedy in Shock 2. I think everyone will agree the Shock 2 interface is superb; is it coincidence that Shock 2 appears to have blockbuster sales potential? I am a fan of Saam's comment along the lines that "Great graphics last six months; great gameplay lasts forever". Perhaps this is a reminder that a key aspect of gameplay is the interface? Is the biggest challenge in building an action/rpg the matter of making the game accessible to the player?

An Interview with Ken Levine
- 10:40pm EST - James
An Editorial on Shock 2 and Game Design
- 10:40pm EST - James
System Shock 2 gets 92%
- 10:40pm EST - James
Image: Digital SHODAN
Creator: LGS / Chris Rose
Details: This is an amazing image, created by Chris Rose. It's based on the image of SHODAN not used in Shock 2, viewable here. It's SHODAN, comprised of green zeros and ones (and some odd squiggly lines). It's perfect for a desktop background.
Archived at: System Shock Fanworks
Also Archived at: SS2:/ MM-DB, sub-folder - Themes

Vote for System Shock 2 - Again!
- 08:20pm EST - James
Important SS2 UK News
- 07:40pm EST - Digital
Binary: SHODAN Win95/98 Theme
Creator: John Puma
Details: This is our first System Shock 2 desktop theme, and it is, of course, a SHODAN theme! This theme contains new icons & cursors, a color & font scheme, a background image, and audio clips from SS2.
Archived at: SS2:/ MM-DB, sub-folder - Themes

GameCenter is holding a poll, to see what people think of System Shock 2! The "It Rocks" category NEEDS to win! Go vote now!

Binary: SHODAN Desktop Image
Creator: LGS / Rob Akens
Details: This is a heavy modification of the Official Shock 2 background image. It's quite distorted, and looks quite cool!
Archived at: SS2:/ MM-DB, sub-folder - Themes

Oh, By the Way, The Multiplayer Questions. . .
- 05:40pm EST - Digital
. . . were asked on Firday. I haven't heard back from Irrational about it yet, however. With our luck, the patch will be here before we get the answers, eh? Not that that's a bad thing... :)

Shock 2 Maps & Hints Page
- 05:40pm EST - Digital
A small Polish site, all about cRPGs, called Tower of Dreams has expanded to include a section devoted to System Shock 2. For those of us who can read polish, that means you have a place to go for hints. For those of us who don't, it means you now have access to all the maps for the Von Braun.
Why should that be valuable to you, you ask? Well, seeing as you cannot view (or at least, I never figured out how to) a map in the game other then the map of the level you are on, this is quite valuable. Print them out! Use them to keep track of the entire ship! You can only place notes at certain points on the in-game map, but these paper maps can have notes all over!
Oh a sad note, I tried to re-assemble one of the decks (med/sci), to get an idea of the shape of the ship, and unfortunately, it doesn't all line up! Ah well... :)

SHODAN Taking the World By Storm
- 02:00pm EST - James
We've got a lot of reviews listed below for your reading pleasure, and more are sure to come. The wonderful thing about them is that they all share one trait: everybody seems to love System Shock 2. Some reviewers have the temerity to claim its graphics are not up to par, and there are recurring minor complaints about weapon degradation and the monster ecology; but on the whole, the prevailing sentiment is "They might as well have printed 'Game of the Year 1999' on the box." Congrats, Irrational and Looking Glass!!

Shock 2 Released in Australia
- 02:50pm EST - Digital
I've heard tell that Shock 2 is now available in stores (or in EB's at least) all over Australia. Go get it! Thanks, Hugh!

More SS2 Patch information!
- 04:20pm EST - Digital
The Official System Shock 2 site has been updated with the new FAQ. This FAQ has information on the patch, multiplayer, known bugs, and some troubleshooting help.
The entire FAQ is available for viewing right here.
After reading it, I noticed that the patch will indeed do more then just add multiplayer and fix bugs, but allow the player to adjust the amount of creature spawning and weapon degradation! Also, I noticed that once again one of our multiplayer questions has been answered: not only can you share nanites, but you must share nanites!
It seems like our questions are getting answered without my help, eh? Okay, at the moment, we have: "Can we heal eachother with psi?" "What multiplayer services will be supported?" "How will saving and loading work?" "Do the players share research knowledge and the automap?", and of course, "When's it coming out?"

Binary: SHODAN Desktop Image
Creator: LGS / Elite01 (Samuel Todd)
Details: I stole this off my brother's desktop. He modified the official desktop background to be better suited as a background, rather then just an ad. Basically, it's darker, and has the ESRB Logo removed.
Archived at: SS2:/ MM-DB, sub-folder - Themes

A Few Answers to Multiplayer Questions
- 03:20pm EST - Dan
It appears that some of these questions have already been answered in the chat session with the dev team. I, of course, far too busy making sure everyone's question got asked, never got the chance to actually read the answers! here's a few answers that we know:
What types of multiplayer services will it support? Will it support IPX, TCP/IP, direct connection, etc? How will setting up games work? Does each player need a retail copy?
"Modem, Lan, IPX, TCP/IP. 1 host/3 players (host plays too, but handles the load of the other players...so he doesn't really have a ping advantage, though this isn't quake) and yes each person needs theirr own copy." - Kraftwerk
How will the players be able to communicate in-game? Text messages? Voice presets? Macros?
"Its only text messages, though the testers used Roger Wilco some without trouble" - Kraftwerk
Do all players need to stay one one level?
"Yes!" - Digital
What happens when one team member dies?
"There are a number of respawn points throughout each level. When a player dies, the player goes to the closest one. There is no limit to how often you can respawn." - Digital
So, now it's back down to two questions. Keep them coming!

Shock 2 Multiplayer Interview Questions:
- 09:40pm EST - Dan
Here are the five questions I shall be shooting off to the SS2 multiplayer team tonight. Please offer any last minute changes to these questions, if you think they need any:
1- How much will the players be able to directly affect eachother? Can you use psionics on eachother, like healing? Can you share and/or trade items, like nanites or cyber modules (loan your friend a few extra ones that you don't need at the moment), etc. Is knowledge shared once an item is researched? Is the automap shared?
2- How will saving and loading work? Can you abort a game in progress and pick up from an earlier position? Can you stop a game in progress and pick it back up on a latter date? Please be as specific as possible as to how this all works.
3- What types of multiplayer services will it support? Will it support IPX, TCP/IP, direct connection, etc? How will setting up games work? Does each player need a retail copy?
4- How will the players be able to communicate in-game? Text messages? Voice presets? Macros?
5- What's the estimated release date?
Sorry to all of you who's questions didn't make it in! We'll all find out soon enough.

System Shock 2 Soundtrack Exclusive Release
- 09:00pm EST - Dan
Compliments of Zerker, who put these together from the fragments in the SS2 CD archive, TTLG is happy to have an exclusive System Shock 2 soundtrack release - the whole thing!
The SS2 page on the TTLG Jukebox has been updated with about a dozen new Shock 2 mp3s, which make up all the music the game has to offer. We are still sketchy on some of the names, so if you can offer a better one then what we've given each particular track, please offer it.
I'm also going to have to ask you to not download these unless you have already bought Shock2, due to licensing issues. All of these mp3s are copyright Looking Glass Studios, 1999.
What? You're still here? GO!
