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A Temporary Good-Bye
- 010:25pm EST - James
SHODAN has decreed that Cyborg Detachment Sterrett must relocate across the Atlantic. As part of the process of this brilliant maneuver to extend her domain, I will be losing computer access for the next wee while - probably four to six weeks - and thus for that time will be unable to bring you the news. TTLG has lots of talented help, though, so I'm sure somebody will pick up the slack until I return later in the fall. Thank you, and good night.

CNN Reviews Shock 2
- 010:25pm EST - James
George Shannon sent me a simply goofy bit of fan-art, complete with a text blurb on it. Warning: if you suffer from a several lack of "A Sense of Humor" you may be offended by this - so read at your own risk... :)
Tired of saviors and messiahs that only promise universal harmony and brotherly love? Sick of deities that stop at eternal otherworldly existence and boundless love? If you're like me, you want to know, 'Hey, where are the life-crushing bio-mechanical implants? Where's the subjugation of pitiful lesser beings? WHERE'S THE GOOD STUFF?'
Click here to view the image and read the rest!

Ken Levine posted this little blurb on the forum the other day, on the subject of why the patch "took so long." Someone suggested I post it, so here it is:
The truth is, with software development, is you never really exactly know when it's going to be finished. It's hard to say, because Irrational had very little to do with the multi implementation, but LG thought multi was going to be ready for the boxed version up until a few days before ship, and it ended up taking months longer. So it wasn't a secret, we just didn't know for sure and didn't want to give people false info. But that's quite common in software. Hope that helps.
Thanks for the pointer, Slythe!

Binary: System Failure (276 K)
Preview: (click here)
Creator(s): Looking Glass, Digital Nightfall, Pasi Rehtonen
Details: This desktop background is based on System Shock Alpha, done by me. It's been made, in a word, volitile!
Archived at: SS2:/ MM-DB, sub-folder - Themes

Shock 2 has Landed in Finland & Sweden!
- 6:40pm EST - Dan
Finnish Shockers Rejoyce! System Shock 2 has arrived in some parts of your countries! Thanks for the word, Tero & Stefan!

GameBlazer Provides Easy Shock 2 Config Editor
- 6:40pm EST - Dan
The patch for System Shock 2 allows you to tweak several functions via editing the CFG files. Unfortunately, this isn't the most user friendly of methods, and many people are at a loss for exactly what to do and how to do it. Fortunately for them, GameBlazer has provided.
GameBlazer, among other features, gives us a simple menu for altering features such as monster re-spawn, weapon degradation, and joystick activation. It also has a link to a java-chatroom where you can set up multiplayer games. Unfortunately, you need to register (give your email address) to be able to use it, but it's free, so only the paranoid and the spam-haters will really mind.
I tried it out, and it seems to work well enough. Thanks, GameBlazer!

Some More Patch Mirrors
- 1:00pm EST - Dan
More Shock 2 Releases Around the World
- 1:00pm EST - Dan
SS2 Patch Mirrors
- 8:00pm EST - Dan
The System Shock 2 Patch is HERE!
- 6:10pm EST - Dan
This patch adds multiplayer, piles of bug fixes, play-balancing tweaks, extra options, etc, etc, etc...
If you can, please set up a mirror, and let me know, so we don't kill the lglass server!

Binary: Shock 2 LiteStep Theme
Creator(s): e2-4601
Details: This is a Shock 2 theme for LiteStep, an alternate Win95/98 GUI shell. If you have LiteStep, then you should know what to do with this.
Archived at: SS2:/ MM-DB, sub-folder - Themes

Binary: Shock 2 Icon, Cursor, and Background Set
Creator(s): Gus Zandt
Details: This is a collection of high quality icons, cursors, and backgrounds, created by Gus by ripping the artwork out of the game. All of these are his creations based on existing artwork.
Archived at: SS2:/ MM-DB, sub-folder - Themes

Hurricane Floyd is Here!
- 07:15pm EST - Digital
At about 6:00pm EST, Hurricane Floyd, the largest hurricane since the 1900s, will make landfall on the central Florida area, which is just where I happen to live, about 20 miles from the coast of Cape Canaveral. The rain is just beginning to pour at my house now, and I'm about to power down and get my PC downstairs.
Since all hell will be basically breaking loose while the storm is raging, I expect the power and phones to be very much dead, and may not be back up for some time after that. Worse case scenario, I may be gone for up to a week, and the best case scenario is that I won't be gone at all. At any rate, wish me luck, and I'll see you after the storm... :)

Lord Delekhan has made a contribution to the site's fanworks archive, in the forum of a short story called A Beginning. This story is a narrative of just after the first moments of Shock 2 gameplay. If you have not yet played the Demo, then this story will contain spoilers for you.

Are You Being Spoilt?
- 02:30pm EST - James
Binary: Red Hot SS2
Creator: LGS / Joe
Details: Another instance of the official background, but with the logos gone and tinted reddish
Archived at: SS2:/ MM-DB, sub-folder - Themes

Binary: System Shock 2 Startup
Creator: LGS / Wayne H. Lucas Jr.
Details: This is a Windows 95/98 Startup sceen, showing SHODAN. It may be animated, I didn't check to see.
Archived at: SS2:/ MM-DB, sub-folder - Themes

Revelation, an SS2 Fan-Story by George Shannon
- 12:50pm EST - Dan
Revelation is a short story directly based on a chain of events in System Shock 2. As such, it has some very prominent spoilers, so don't read it unless you have won the game. It was written by George Shannon, a name which should be familiar to the readers of the Thief fanworks.

GameBlazer(tm) is a new utility, which does, um, well, here, read this official blurb:
GameBlazer provides fail-safe control over save-game and configuration files. For example, when you use GameBlazer with Baldur's Gate, each person in a household or dorm room can have their own set of save-game files! For System Shock 2, you can swap out your "OSA" character's save-game files before you start a new game playing as a "Navy" character. Swapping back is fast and easy. With GameBlazer, you don't need to ration save-game slots; just swap-and-play, then save-at-will.
Ah yes, that is what it does. Oh, and I've been told that the prog also provides a little control panel to enable the joystick support (and they will be extending this panel to support the new options provided in the upcoming patch).

Binary: System Shock 2 Alpha
Creator: LGS / Digital Nightfall
Details: This background images is made from the old System Shock 2 Alpha (no, that's not a souped up version, that's what it was called when the game barely worked) main menu. It's heavily modified, of course, and is really quite unique.
Archived at: SS2:/ MM-DB, sub-folder - Themes

System Shock 2 Makes Puppies Happy
- 11:10pm EST - James