System Shock 2 - The Official Site
May 27th 2000
This is Looking Glass Studio's
Official Shock 2 site. It's a highly polished class act, and is filled
with great official content, but has a more spoilers then I'd care to
read. Flash 3 is required for viewing.
Games Inc -
The Irrational Games site, built by yours truly,
is a sort of online brochure telling about the company and their projects,
most prominently System Shock 2, of course.
Through the Looking Glass
Though not truly an official site, I feel that
it deserved to be up here. This is the mother-site to SShock2.com. Go
here to learn about the other products created by the makers of System
Shock 2.

System Shock 2 Page -
A small SS2 site featuring some info on character
types, psi powers, etc. The most interesting feature is the unique hand-drawn
artwork on the site. Most people seem to think that SS2 and anime go well
together. :)
German System
Shock 2 Site -
This is a German-only Shock 2 fansite, with similar
content to this one, but all in German!
To 2072 AD -
This is a small fan-site
which features a collection of animated gifs and voice samples ripped
from the game. Most of the gifs are taken from animated screens in the
Briefing Room -
This is a spot designed
for multiplayer game coordination.
Shock 2 Page -
A small Shock 2 site featuring
links and a fanfic.
2: The Divine Seeds Chronicles -
Imagine other dimensions, quantum realities, and
parallel universes. What are the Divine Seeds? What are SHODAN NODES?
Read part 1 of SHODAN - THE DIVINE SEED CHRONICLES and find out!
is a System Shock 1 & 2 fansite, under construction. At a glance, it contains
maps and other goodies.
System Shock 2 site -
fansite with some game information, a few downloads, music, cheats,
and the usual assortment.
Another shock2 fansite, loads of content, well
worth a look.
Shock Project
A large System Shock 2 Fan Mission Pack, take a look

The System Shock
1 Hub -
This page serves as a hub to the best System Shock
1 sites on the web, all of which are part of the TTLG network.